Warranty conditions

For electronic components, we offer 3 months warranty that the products will perform in accordance with the manufacturer’s original specifications.
Within this guarantee, subject electronic component(s) will either be replaced or a refund given of the purchase price.
Test & Measurement instruments and industrial equipment we offer for sale is ranked in three groups. 
These are related to the status of the goods, how detailed these have been tested and which type of warranty period applies:
  • Pre-Owned and Fully Tested - this is used equipment of which the major system parameters have been tested and verified against the manufacturer's specifications. For these instruments, a dedicated Test Report is delivered with the instrument and the warranty period generally is ninety (90) days. 
  • Pre-Owned and in Good Condition - this is used equipment of which the functionalities have been checked when possible. The instrument parameters are not verified to be within the manufacturer's specifications. The warranty period generally is thirty (30) days.
  • Pre-Owned and Sold As Is - these instruments may have visible defects and may or may not be functional. These are sold for use by specialists, for repair by enthusiasts or for spare parts. There is no warranty on this equipment.